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これをつくるきっかけは、Royal College of Artの生徒と毎日顔を合わせる度に「How are you?」と挨拶をされることだった。しかし私(日本人)は挨拶の本当の意味が理解できない。わからない。なぜ毎日自分は疲れているや調子がいいなどと報告をし合うのか、私だけわからないのは不公平であり、私は毎日GOODと変わりがない返事をするので、胸にGOODと発している人の顔をつけといてやろうという事だ。


ジュエリーの魅力の1つに「芸術」を人がまとっているというのがある。身に付けている間の私はGOODと発している作品になり、私に「How are you?」と話しかけていた彼らを鑑賞者に仕立てあげる。彼らにも「わからない」を抱かせるため、結局は話が弾む。芸術を挟んだ事は私達にとって純粋な挨拶であるだろう。

The motivation for this was to say "How are you?" Every time I met a student at the Royal College of Art. However, I (Japanese) cannot understand the true meaning of the greeting. do not know. It is unfair that I do not know why I report that I am tired or in good condition every day, and I reply to “GOOD” every day, so I wear GOOD's face on my chest.

This face brooch was never digging for a beautiful face, and it was not fun to watch. If I wear a three-dimensional metal face near my chest in the first place, there will be some snagging without feeling comfortable from the side. He showed a singing gesture from his mouth, giving him the tension of speaking something.

One of the charms of jewelry is that people wear "art". While wearing, I become a work called "GOOD". And it changed the person who said "How are you" to the viewer. This makes them think "I don't know" and the conversation gets excited.
It would be a pure greeting for us to sandwich the art.

